The Benefits of Multi-Factor Authentication for IT Security

Multifactor Authentication (MFA) is an authentication method that requires the user to provide two or more verification factors to access a resource, such as an application, an online account, or a VPN. This type of authentication is a fundamental component of a strong identity and access management (IAM) policy, and is important for reducing risk and protecting sensitive data. It makes it difficult for criminals to steal information, as the less attractive your data is, the more likely it is that thieves will target someone else. Organizations can choose between multi-factor and two-factor authentication solutions, depending on the level of security they are looking for. MFA requires the user to submit at least two factors to prove their identity, such as an SMS verification code or access codes through secure emails.

This type of foolproof authentication solution is essential in a world where obtaining credentials is a constant threat. Multi-factor authentication is growing exponentially due to its ability to reduce risk. It requires several credentials to verify a user's identity, and many state laws require organizations to have strong authentication processes if they handle and store sensitive data. Two-factor authentication (2FA) uses two of these possible checks, while multi-factor authentication uses two or more. Adaptive MFA also allows for dynamic policy changes and increased authentication, which are important controls when it comes to protecting critical data. But why is multi-factor authentication important for your company's security? Here are the top six reasons why you need MFA:

1.Strengthen Password Security

Adding an additional MFA authentication factor is one way to strengthen security, as 81% of data breaches can be attributed to poor password security.

Adopting a second authentication factor increases confidence that the right person is accessing the right system or service.

2.Access Any Device

You can authenticate your identity on any device using a variety of methods, such as virtual token applications, real-time SMS access codes, and single-use access codes.

3.Reduce Risk

Reducing risk is critical for organizations, which is why multi-factor authentication is growing exponentially. It requires several credentials to verify a user's identity.

4.Comply with Regulations

Many state laws require organizations to have strong authentication processes, especially if they handle and store sensitive data.

5.Increase Security

Multi-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide two or more forms of identity verification before being able to access a website, network, or application.

6.Protect Sensitive Data

Multi-factor authentication helps protect sensitive data by making it difficult for criminals to steal information.

Multi-factor authentication is an essential component of any strong IAM policy. It helps reduce risk and protect sensitive data by making it difficult for criminals to steal information. Organizations should choose between multi-factor and two-factor authentication solutions depending on their level of security needs.

Jacquelyn Hamling
Jacquelyn Hamling

Passionate travel junkie. Proud beer lover. Passionate coffee evangelist. Evil tvaholic. Hipster-friendly music ninja. Extreme travel scholar.