Protecting Against Insider Threats: A Comprehensive Guide

The best way to protect against internal threats is to implement a comprehensive security policy that reviews and approves all work done and measures taken. This can help to eliminate accidental or negligent risks, particularly when critical data is manipulated and transmitted. It is especially difficult to defend against internal threats because people with privileged information require a high level of trust and access to do their jobs. To be highly effective, system administrators should consider using UBA solutions in conjunction with IDS (intrusion detection systems), EDR (endpoint detection and response) and SIEM (security information and event management) threat detection solutions. The key steps to mitigate internal threats are to define, detect and identify, evaluate and manage.

Threat detection and identification is the process by which people who could pose an internal threat risk due to their worrying and observable behaviors are brought to the attention of an organization or internal threat team. The security policy should include procedures for preventing and detecting misuse, as well as guidelines for conducting investigations into the misuse of privileged information. It should also explain the potential consequences of misuse. User and Entity Behavior Analysis (UEBA) is a type of security solution that uses advanced analytics to quickly identify internal threats by tracking network and user behavior patterns. Cyber insurance does not usually cover internal attacks, whether intentional or not, because they represent a breach of the company's security policy and are not the result of an external cyber attack.

To protect against internal threats, system administrators should consider using UBA solutions in conjunction with other threat detection solutions. It is important to keep an eye on employees, as this is one of the best ways to detect internal threats. Especially when the threat is a behavioral problem and not a digital problem that can be traced. Third, because the employee is familiar with the organization's security controls and processes, a disgruntled employee could easily circumvent security protocols and go unnoticed during an illegal activity. Ultimately, the prevention of internal threats is based on proactive policies that mitigate internal risks and reduce the likelihood of their occurrence. Insider threats can cost your company hundreds of thousands of dollars and damage the trust you once placed in your employees.

Let's talk about how a comprehensive PAM solution can protect your critical assets from internal threats.

Jacquelyn Hamling
Jacquelyn Hamling

Passionate travel junkie. Proud beer lover. Passionate coffee evangelist. Evil tvaholic. Hipster-friendly music ninja. Extreme travel scholar.