Protecting Against Malware Infections: 10 Tips for Security

Malware infections can be devastating to organizations, interrupting critical workflows and stealing or encrypting critical data. To protect yourself and your business from a malware infection, it is important to use a layered security approach and a company-approved file sharing program. Additionally, make regular backups to offline storage to ensure that you can restore data from a backup in case malware reaches your environment. Here are 10 tips for protecting against malware infections.

1.Use an Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)

An Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) continuously monitors network traffic to identify an ongoing malware infection or security breach.

You can also perform response actions in specific cases predefined by the network administrator. IPS is an effective way to protect against malicious websites, emails, and attachments.

2.Update Antimalware Software Regularly

As hackers are continuously adapting and developing new techniques to breach security software, users should update their antimalware software regularly. Windows Defender is Microsoft antimalware software included in the Windows 10 operating system (OS) in the Windows Defender Security Center.

3.Use Malware Protection Technology

Malware protection technology can protect against malware attacks using a variety of techniques, such as signature-based malware detection, behavior-based malware detection, and the isolated environment.

4.Verify Reliability Before Granting Access

It is important to verify the reliability of users before granting access. This protects employees, their workloads and their workplace.

5.Be Aware of Sophisticated Threats

The most sophisticated threats include polymorphic malware, which can repeatedly change its underlying code to avoid detection by signature-based detection tools; anti-sandbox techniques that allow malware to detect when it is being analyzed and delay execution until it exits the sandbox; and fileless malware, which resides only in the system's RAM to avoid being discovered.

6.Consider Additional Security Solutions

Learn about and consider additional security solutions that further protect your network and expand your company's visibility.

7.Understand the Effect of Malware

Depending on the type of malware and its target, this damage may present itself differently to the user or the end device.

8.Be Wary of Messages from Recognized Contacts

If a user receives a message from a recognized contact that seems suspicious, it may come from a type of mobile malware that spreads between devices.

9.Make Regular Backups
Make regular backups to offline storage to ensure that you can restore data from a backup in case malware reaches your environment.

10. Download E-Books for Best Practices

Download e-books for a full overview of the most current email security challenges and how to mitigate them using best practices.

Jacquelyn Hamling
Jacquelyn Hamling

Passionate travel junkie. Proud beer lover. Passionate coffee evangelist. Evil tvaholic. Hipster-friendly music ninja. Extreme travel scholar.